
Provides a XenServer virtual machine resource. This can be used to create, modify, and delete virtual machines.

Example Usage

resource "xenserver_vm" "web" {
    name_label = "web"
    base_template_name = "<desired template>"
    static_mem_min = 2147483648 # 2GB
    static_mem_max = 2147483648
    dynamic_mem_min = 2147483648
    dynamic_mem_max = 2147483648
    boot_order = "cdn"
    network_interface {
        network_uuid = "<uuid>"
        mac = "<desired-mac>"
        mtu = 1500
        device = 0
    network_interface {
        network_uuid = "<desired network>"
        mtu = 1500
        device = 1
    vcpus = 2
    cdrom {
      vdi_uuid = "<iso uuid>"
    hard_drive {
      vdi_uuid = "<desired vdi>"
    other_config {
        auto_poweron = "true"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name_label - (Required) The name given for this VM.

  • base_template_name -

  • static_mem_min -

  • static_mem_max -

  • dynamic_mem_min -

  • boot_order -

  • vcpus -

The network_interface block supports:

  • network_uuid -

  • mtu -

  • device -

The cdrom block supports:

  • vdi_uuid -

The hard_drive block supports:

  • vdi_uuid -

The other_config block sets any number of given key-value pairs in the VM’s other-config map.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The instance ID.